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Preventing personal data leak / KBS 2025.03.20.
Mar 202025
[Anchor] Incidents of sensitive personal information, such as resident registration numbers and phone numbers, being leaked online continue to occur. While some cases involve hacking, there are many instances where information that should not have been leaked is exposed due to poor management. It is advisable to know how to prevent such leaks. Reporter Hwang Jeong-ho reports. [Report] About 300 cases of personal information leaks were reported to the government last year. Nearly 60% of these were due to hacking. The methods include disabling systems through malicious files or hackers outright stealing the administrator's personal information management rights. While hacking is a concern, a bigger problem is the leakage of personal information due to work negligence and poor management. This means that if those handling personal information managed it well, leaks could have been prevented. Such cases were particularly prominent in public institutions. In the private sector, work negligence accounts for about 20% of cases, but in public institutions, nearly half of the cases were due to work negligence. There have been instances where documents containing personal information were uploaded to websites, personal information files were attached to emails, or documents containing personal information were lost. Given this situation, we must start managing our personal information properly. The most important thing is password management. When changing passwords, it is necessary to make them complex so that others cannot easily guess them, and it is important to customize the security questions for password recovery so that only I know the answers. When changing passwords, make sure to set notifications for yourself, and even if it is cumbersome, you should go through 2-3 rounds of authentication. If you have taken these precautions but still feel anxious that your personal information might have leaked, it is also a good idea to use the "Find My Leaked Information" service operated by the Personal Information Protection Commission. This is KBS News Hwang Jeong-ho. ▣ KBS 기사 원문보기 : ▣ 제보 하기 ◇ 카카오톡 : 'KBS제보' 검색 ◇ 전화 : 02-781-1234 ◇ 홈페이지 : ◇ 이메일 : Copyright ⓒ KBS. All rights reserved. 무단 전재, 재배포 및 이용(AI 학습 포함) 금지

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