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Samsung management apologizes / KBS 2025.03.19.
Mar 192025
[Anchor] Samsung Group, which Chairman Lee Jae-yong has assessed to be at a crossroads of survival, faced harsh criticism at the shareholders' meeting of its core affiliate, Samsung Electronics. Shareholders pressed for alternatives on how the company plans to survive, and the management repeatedly ,apologized in response. Reporter Hanuri has the details. [Report] The shareholders' meeting of Samsung Electronics was held after Chairman Lee Jae-yong called for a "tough Samsung." The sharp-tongued shareholders asked, "Specifically, how will you become tougher?" [Yoon Deok-in/Samsung Electronics Shareholder: "The performance has been quite poor, and I really hope the new management focuses more on technology rather than finance."] Last year, the stock was close to 90,000 won, but due to poor semiconductor performance, it has struggled to stay above 50,000 won. [Samsung Electronics Shareholder/Voice Altered: "(Due to the stock price drop) I think I've lost about 2 or 3 sedans. I would say they have a mindset that is slightly behind the times compared to SK."] The management explained their strategies for various sectors, including semiconductors and mobile. [Han Jong-hee/Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman: "We will lay the groundwork for a leap forward with our technological leadership and create new growth engines in the future driven by the growth of the AI industry."] However, shareholders responded with questions like, "We have been patient, but when will we see results?" and "China is catching up; do you have any alternatives?" Vice Chairman Han Jong-hee admitted, "We did not respond adequately to the semiconductor market, and we have not secured overwhelming market competitiveness in major products like home appliances," and said he sincerely apologized. Vice Chairman Jeon Young-hyun, who oversees semiconductors, also bowed his head, acknowledging, "We were late in responding to AI semiconductors." Meanwhile, competitor SK Hynix has already supplied samples of the 6th generation high-bandwidth memory HBM4 to companies like NVIDIA. Samsung, which is behind in supplying the lower-tier HBM3E 12-layer, stated that it will resolve this issue and improve performance by the second half of this year at the latest. This is KBS News, Hanuri. ▣ KBS 기사 원문보기 : ▣ 제보 하기 ◇ 카카오톡 : 'KBS제보' 검색 ◇ 전화 : 02-781-1234 ◇ 홈페이지 : ◇ 이메일 : Copyright ⓒ KBS. All rights reserved. 무단 전재, 재배포 및 이용(AI 학습 포함) 금지

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