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Avian flu found in wildcat / KBS 2025.03.19.
Mar 192025
[Anchor] The avian influenza virus has been detected in the carcass of a wild cat. This is the first confirmed case of a mammal being infected with avian influenza in the country. Experts point out that we need to prepare for the possibility of human infection as well. Reporter Jeong Sae-bae has the story. [Report] Quarantine personnel are controlling vehicle access and disinfecting the area. This is because the 'H5' avian influenza virus was detected in a wild cat that was rescued and later died on March 16. This is the first case of a wild mammal being infected in the country. It is presumed that the infection occurred after consuming infected wild birds. Whether it is 'highly pathogenic' is expected to be determined as early as this week. Infections of wild mammals with highly pathogenic avian influenza are reported consistently, with over 100 cases worldwide each year. In the United States, there was a case last year where avian influenza was transmitted to humans through dairy cows, and there were even fatalities reported in January. [Jee Young-mi/Director of the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency/Jan.: "The cases show very strongly that human transmission of avian influenza could occur at any time, potentially leading to a pandemic."] There have been no reported cases of avian influenza being transmitted to humans in the country so far. Experts believe that the risk of human transmission is lower than in other countries due to differences in farming environments. [Choi Gang-seok/Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University : "For there to be a risk, a combination of animals being raised in groups and the simultaneous presence of various influenza viruses is needed, but such animals are currently not prevalent in our country."] However, experts emphasize the need to expedite preparations such as securing vaccines and treatments, as the possibility of a pandemic cannot be ruled out. This is KBS News, Jeong Sae-bae. ▣ KBS 기사 원문보기 : ▣ 제보 하기 ◇ 카카오톡 : 'KBS제보' 검색 ◇ 전화 : 02-781-1234 ◇ 홈페이지 : ◇ 이메일 : Copyright ⓒ KBS. All rights reserved. 무단 전재, 재배포 및 이용(AI 학습 포함) 금지

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