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Real estate uncertainty / KBS 2025.03.19.
Mar 192025
[Anchor] Real estate policies that affect people's livelihoods and significant assets are fluctuating and being reversed, causing citizens to feel worried and anxious. As they try to gauge the impact on themselves, they have started to observe how the regulatory effects will manifest and whether there will be any side effects. Reporter Yoon Ah-rim has covered the atmosphere on the ground. [Report] An apartment complex commercial area in Songpa-gu, Seoul. [Songpa-gu Real Estate Agent/Voice Altered: "(Since the area has been re-designated as a land transaction permission zone, the atmosphere is...) It's quiet."] The real estate doors are open, but there are no people passing by. For now, the market appears to be holding its breath. [Songpa-gu Real Estate Agent/Voice Altered: "Most of the people who were going to make transactions before the restrictions have already completed their deals. So, there are not many properties available."] With the unusual decision to designate the entire district as a zone needing government permission for transactions, there are immediate concerns about disruptions to buying and renting plans in the newly regulated areas. [Mr. Moon/Seocho-gu Resident: "I feel like I'm suffering financially. Who would be happy if apartment prices drop? I still have to pay taxes."] There is also a sense of urgency as people feel that the last investment opportunity is 24 days before the regulations take effect. [Seocho-gu Real Estate Agent/Voice Altered: "Those who were planning to enter the market and had seen properties need to make some decisions by next Monday..."] Concerns about balloon effects are also rising, such as additional price increases in nearby areas like Mapo-Yongsan-Seongsu and rising rental prices due to mandatory residence requirements. [Real Estate Agent/Voice Altered: "Those who want to do gap investment are also putting their properties up for rent. But those quantities are also disappearing."] Amid the market trend of preferring a single high-quality property, there are predictions that it will be difficult to curb the rising trend of house prices. [Ham Young-jin/Head of Real Estate Research Lab at Woori Bank: "When uncertainty is high, many consumers think that it can serve as a safe asset, so the long-term stabilization effect on house prices is expected to be limited..."] Whether the regulations can quell the market's anxiety remains uncertain, and the long-term effects are unknown. This is KBS News, Yoon Ah-rim. ▣ KBS 기사 원문보기 : ▣ 제보 하기 ◇ 카카오톡 : 'KBS제보' 검색 ◇ 전화 : 02-781-1234 ◇ 홈페이지 : ◇ 이메일 : Copyright ⓒ KBS. All rights reserved. 무단 전재, 재배포 및 이용(AI 학습 포함) 금지

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