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Mar 182025
세계 재활용의 날 Hello and welcome to Press Perspective. It's Tuesday March 18th here in Seoul. I'm Min Sunhee. Waste recycling returns to the center stage today as we celebrate global recycling day. For more I have Kelly Kasulis Cho with The Washington Post. Kelly it's always great to have you here. I also have freelance journalist Yang Chien-Hao with us. Chien-Hao welcome back. 1-1) Kelly, the OECD has been saying less than 10% of the world's plastic is recycled. Do tell us more about this reality. 1-2) And Kelly, what can you tell us about Korea's recycling efforts? 2) Chien-Hao, Korea, though, is a heavy plastic consumer. What has been your experience here? 3) Kelly, over in the U.S., I hear Trump "signed an order shifting the U.S. back toward plastic straws." Do tell us more about the reason behind and the response to this measure. 4) Also Kelly, last September, the state of California sued ExxonMobil for decades of deception about plastic waste recycling. What's the latest on that front? 5) Chien-Hao, back here in Korea late last year. Busan played host to UN efforts to seal a deal on plastic pollution, but the talks ended with little consensus. Are we expecting more negotiations this year? 6) Also Chien-Hao, as experts warn about the "surprisingly close link between food waste and climate change", compulsory composting has gone into effect in France and in New York City. Do tell us more. 7) Kelly, amid the growing interest in tackling food waste, Korea's food recycling campaign has been frequently covered by the foreign media. What do you care to highlight about Korea's campaign? 8) Chien-Hao, beyond plastic and food waste, what other forms of waste should we be concerned about? 9) Kelly, environmentalists have often spoken about the importance of seeking to reduce waste in the first place instead of seeking to recycle it afterwards. Are there any personal tips that you'd like to share? I mean, as a resident here in Korea, I assume you're already actively engaged in compulsory composting. Is there any other conscious effort that you make? 10) And what about you, Chien-Hao? What are some of your efforts to protect our planet? All right. #Global_recycling_Day #OECD #Recycling #Plastic #Straws #Environment #KellyKasulisCho #YangChienHao #세계_재활용의날 #재활용 #플라스틱 #빨대 #환경 #Arirang_News #아리랑뉴스 📣 Facebook :   / arirangtvnews   📣 Twitter :   / arirangtvnews   📣 Homepage : 2025-03-18, 17:30 (KST)

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