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LG SmartShare Software for Windows

What is it?

Smart Share allows you to view your Pictures, Music, or Videos from your Smartphone, Tablet, Computer, and more!

Smart Share lives on your TV, but it also needs a counterpart to share files with it! There are apps and software that act as this counterpart, designed for phones, tablets, and computers.

Tech Info Alert! Smart Share uses a technology called DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) as its' protocol for streaming files. The underlying technology of DLNA is UPnP (Universal Plug and Play), which is the most widely used form of network communication for file sharing.

What does that mean for you? Smart Share is compatible with almost every DLNA certified or UPnP piece of software available, which make your options nearly limitless!

What do I need?

  1. An LG Smart TV (any one will do, but we suggest the big one!)
  2. Another device with files on it that you want to see on your big TV.
  3. Smart Share Software, or other DLNA certified software, for your other device. (once you close this overlay, you'll see the options)
  4. A home network. (most people prefer wireless, but hardwired gives the best results if possible)


우리나라에서는 검색해도 잘 안 나와서 미국 LG 사이트에서 퍼 왔습니다. 사용법은 동영상을 참고하시면 됩니다.

아래 링크들을 클릭하시면 다운로드를 실행합니다.


 - LG SmartShare Software for Windows (FileShare)


공유지기 2018.12.04 20:47
182MB 용량이고 이 속에는 .net framework 4.0도 포함이 되어 있습니다.
공유지기 2018.12.04 20:48
XP부터 윈도 10까지 다 사용 가능합니다.
사랑방지기 2018.12.05 09:35
집에 공유기만 있으면 가능한가 보네여.
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