컴퓨터 / Computer

쓸만한 운영체제 목록



1. Linux Mint  : https://www.linuxmint.com/


저사양 장비에 적합한 리눅스. 


2. Ubuntu : https://www.ubuntu.com/

Laptop running Ubuntu 17.10, showing insights.ubuntu.com 

개인용 리눅스 시장에 혁신을 가져온 우분투. 데비안 계열 중 가장 유명.


3. Zorin OS : https://zorinos.com/


Zorin OS 12 


윈도와 가장 비슷하게 쓸 수 있는 우분투 계열 리눅스 배포판.



4. Robolinux : https://robolinux.org/




역시 윈도와 유사하게 쓸 수 있고 가상머신까지 제공하는 로보리눅스. 



5. StartOS : http://www.startos.org/




이제는 중국인 개발자가 관리해서 첫화면이 중국어. 영문판도 있다고는 함.


6. Pinguy OS : http://pinguy-os.sourceforge.net/




리눅스 입문하는 사람한테는 매우 유용한 OS.



7. MEPIS : http://www.mepis.org/






8. Antergos : http://antergos.com/





9. Manjaro : https://manjaro.org/





10. PCLinuxOS : http://www.pclinuxos.com/





11. Edubuntu : http://www.edubuntu.org/ 




아동용 우분투.



12. Mageia 


Forked from Mandrake (which was later renamed Mandriva), Mageia is a 

community-driven Linux distribution with a good reputation for being 

beginner-friendly. Because it's updated very frequently, it tends to 

include more recent versions of software packages, and it has excellent 

support for several different languages. 


13. OpenMandriva 


Like Mageia, OpenMandriva is a community-managed Linux distribution 

based on Mandrake/Mandriva. It attempts to be simple and straightforward 

enough for new users but also to offer the breadth and depth of 

capabilities demanded by advanced users. 


14. Kubuntu 


Kubuntu's goal is to "make your PC friendly," and it's fairly easy for 

new Linux users to figure out. It combines Ubuntu and the KDE desktop 

and includes plenty of built-in software, like a web browser, an office 

suite, media apps and more. 


15. Netrunner 


Netrunner is based on Kubuntu, plus some interface modifications to make 

it even more user friendly and some extra codecs to make it easier to 

play media files. The project also offers a second version of the same 

OS based on Manjaro. 


16. Kwheezy 


Kwheezy is based on Debian, which is popular with advanced Linux users, 

but it's designed to be more accessible for Linux newcomers. It comes 

"with all the applications, plugins, fonts and drivers that you need for 

daily use, and some more," and it uses the intuitive KDE desktop. 


17. Point Linux 


Also based on Debian, Point Linux uses the Mate desktop, which should 

feel comfortable to most Windows XP users. It aims to be a "fast, stable 

and predictable" desktop operating system. 



18. Korora 


Based on Fedora, Korara "aims to make Linux easier for new users, while 

still being useful for experts" with an operating systems that "just 

works." Several different desktops are available, so users can choose 

the interface that seems the most comfortable and familiar. 


19. Ultimate Edition 


This Ubuntu remix aims to provide the "ultimate" computing experience. 

It offers an intuitive interface for newbies and improves on Ubuntu's 

software management and wireless capabilities. 


20. Sabayon 


This Linux distribution focuses on providing an excellent "out of the 

box" user experience where everything "just works." At the same time, it 

attempts to incorporate the latest releases of open source software. And 

in case you were wondering, the name comes from an Italian dessert. 


21. Trisquel 


Trisquel is a Ubuntu-based Linux distribution aimed at home users, small 

enterprises and schools. The interface resembles the traditional Windows 

look and feels very similar to XP or Windows 7. 


22. Knoppix 


If you just want to give Linux a try without installing anything on your 

hard drive, Knoppix runs from a Live CD. You can download the code and 

create your own CD or order a very inexpensive pre-made CD from any one 

of a variety of vendors. 


Lightweight Operating Systems 


23. Lubuntu 


If you have an older system that doesn't meet the system requirements 

for Windows 7 or 8, Lubuntu might be a good option for you. It's a 

lightweight version of Ubuntu that's very fast and energy efficient, and 

it's a particularly good choice for underpowered Windows XP laptops. 


24. LXLE 


This variation on Lubuntu was specifically designed to help users give 

new life to older PCs. It has four different desktop paradigms 

(basically different looks), including one that mimics Windows XP. Users 

who have grown tired of XP's long boot times will also appreciate the 

fact that LXLE boots in less than a minute on most systems. 


25. Peppermint 


Also based on Lubuntu, Peppermint prides itself on "welcoming new Linux 

users." It's extremely fast and takes a web-centric approach to computing. 


26. Xubuntu 


Like Lubuntu, Xubuntu is a lightweight version of Ubuntu. It uses the 

Xfce interface, which is clean, modern and easy to use. It also runs 

well on older hardware. 


27. Elementary OS 


According to Distrowatch, Elementary is among the ten most popular Linux 

distributions. It's very lightweight and fast, and the interface, while 

more similar to OS X than Windows XP, is highly intuitive. 


28. Joli OS 


This cloud computing-focused OS aims to "bring your old computers back 

to life." You can also install it alongside Windows with the option of 

selecting an OS on startup. It works with the Jolicloud service that 

stores your files in the cloud. 


29. Puppy 


Puppy is super small?just 85 MB?so that is usually loads into RAM on 

most systems and runs incredibly fast, even on older systems that might 

have been running Windows XP. Despite its small size, it includes a full 

graphic interface designed for new Linux users. 


30. CrunchBang 


Because it's fairly lightweight, CrunchBang (sometimes written #!) is a 

good option for older or underpowered systems that might be running 

Windows XP. It's based on Debian but uses the OpenBox window manager, 

which will feel familiar to Windows users. 


31. Simplicity 


Simplicity is based on Puppy Linux and offers a slightly different look 

and feel. It comes in four different flavors: Obsidian and Netbook are 

lightweight versions suitable for older systems, Media is built for PCs 

that are used as media centers, and Desktop is the standard, 

full-featured version. 


32. Bodhi Linux 


Another lightweight variation of Ubuntu, Bodhi is a true minimalist 

distribution that installs only a few pieces of software by default. 

That makes it great for users with older hardware or users who want to 

have a lot of say in which applications are installed; however, it might 

not be as good for new users who don't have familiarity with open source 



33. Linux Lite 


As its name implies, this is another lightweight Linux distribution. Its 

website states, "The goal of Linux Lite is to introduce Windows users to 

an intuitively simple, alternative operating system. Linux Lite is a 

showcase for just how easy it can be to use linux." 


34. Tiny Core Linux 


If you have a really, really old or underpowered system, you may want to 

take a look at Tiny Core Linux. It weighs in at just 12MB but still 

offers a graphical interface, but doesn't include a lot of hardware 

support or applications. It's highly customizable, however, so users can 

easily add in just what they need while keeping the OS footprint small. 


35. AntiX 


Designed specifically for older systems, AntiX claims it can even run on 

old 64 MB Pentium II 266 systems. It comes in full, base and core 

distributions, with full being the best option for Linux newcomers. 


36. Damn Small Linux (DSL) 


Just 50MB in size, DSL can run on old 486 PCs or can run within RAM on 

newer PCs with at least 128 MB of memory. It comes with a surprising 

number of applications built in, and it can also run from a live CD or 

USB thumb drive. 


37. Nanolinux 


In the race to create the smallest distribution of Linux, Nanolinux 

comes near the top of the list. Although it's only 14 MB in size, it 

includes a browser, text editor, spreadsheet, personal information 

manager, music player, calculator, some games and a few other programs. 

However, it's not as newbie-friendly as some of the other distributions 

on our list. 


38. VectorLinux 


The self-proclaimed "best little Linux operating system available 

anywhere," lightweight VectorLinux aims to be very fast and very stable. 

It includes tools that will be popular with advanced users but it also 

has an easy-to-use graphic interface for newbies. 


39. ZenWalk 


Formerly known as "Minislack," ZenWalk is a lightweight distribution 

that focuses on fast performance and support for multimedia. It includes 

some special features that appeal to programmers, and the desktop 

version can also be tweaked to function as a server. Note that the 

website is organized like a forum, so it can be a little tricky to navigate. 


40. Salix OS 


According to the Salix website, "Like a bonsai, Salix is small, light 

and the product of infinite care." It's based on Slackware, but it's 

simplicity makes it more accessible for Windows users. 


Business-Friendly Operating Systems 


41. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 


Red Hat is probably the most well-known enterprise-focused Linux 

distribution. It comes in both desktop and server versions. However, 

unlike many other Linux distributions, you'll need to pay for a support 

subscription in order to use it. 


42. Fedora 


If you like Red Hat but don't want to pay for support, check out Fedora, 

which is the free, community version of Red Hat. It comes in different 

"spins"?versions that are tailored to particular uses like science, 

security and design. 


43. CentOS 


This "Community ENTerprise Operating System" is another free version of 

Red Hat. It aims to be highly stable and manageable to meet the needs of 

business users without requiring that they purchase support. 


44. SUSE 


Used by more than 13,000 businesses around the world, SUSE counts the 

London Stock Exchange, Office Depot and Walgreens among its users. The 

website primarily emphasizes the server versions, but it does also come 

in a desktop version. Like Red Hat, it requires a paid support subscription. 


45. openSUSE 


OpenSUSE is the free, community edition of SUSE for those who don't want 

to purchase support. It comes in both desktop and server versions and 

aims to meet the needs of both beginners and advanced users. 


Non-Linux Operating Systems 


46. Chromium 


Chromium is the open source project behind Google's Chrome OS?the 

operating system used on Chromebook devices. It's best for users who use 

Google's cloud services heavily. Less technical users may find it 

challenging to install Chromium on a former Windows XP machine. 


47. PC-BSD 


Users interested in trying a desktop operating system that isn't based 

on Linux can also check out PC-BSD. It's based on FreeBSD, which is 

known for its stability, and emphasizes user-friendliness. Older 

versions supported the KDE desktop only, but the latest update allows 

users to select their choice of desktop interface. 


48. ReactOS 


Unlike most of the other operating systems on this list, ReactOS isn't a 

version of Linux or BSD; instead, it's a completely new free OS designed 

to be Windows-compatible. At this point, it's still an alpha release, 

but it shows promise. 






세니떼 칙칙한 남성피부 충분한보습 남자화장품 2종
간절기 블루종 남성 점퍼 가을 점퍼 윈드 자켓 작업복
(폴밋)남성 모던한 드로즈 3매입 팬티
남성 7색 베이직 민무늬 빅사이즈 편한 반바지
갤럭시진2 A10E A202K A102N공용 N탑 핸드폰 지갑형
삼성정품 SL-M3820D 흑백 레이저프린터 토너 검정
갤럭시노트9 리핏 곡면 우레탄 풀커버 액정보호필름 N960
타이탄 9H강화유리필름1매 갤럭시 S21 Plus G996 (반품불가)
PWM-DK 도일리페이퍼사각(16x23cm)100매
벽 보수 월패치 석고보드 구멍 메꾸미 NC-T 5cm 5개
체어로만 로베르 침대형 중역 피시방 의자 (착불)
접이식 나무탁자 쇼파옆 미니테이블 정원 마당 꾸미기
공 펌프 배구 축구 농구 피구 족구 핸드볼 축구용품
본필 BG912 네이비 남성골프화 스크린골프화 연습화
스윙모스킬 90도회전모기채 Sik-003 보성테크
여자 골지 곰돌이 수면잠옷 극세사 포근 잠옷 세트

이케아 MALA 몰라 롤 도화지 45cm x 30M
3M라벨 일반형2칸100매 21302(물류관리 200x140mm)
