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WDS 2024: Turkey's TEI advances with its engine development

TEI displayed its TS1400 turboshaft engine at the World Defense Show 2024. (Janes/Akshara Parakala)

Turkish engine manufacturer Tusaş Engine Industries (TEI) has showcased its TEI-TS1400 and TEI-TF6000 engines at the World Defense Show (WDS) 2024 held in Riyadh from 4 to 8 February.

A TEI official spoke to Janes about the ongoing development of the company's turboshaft engine, the TS1400, and turbofan engines, the TF6000 and TF10000, programmes.

The TS1400 is a free-turbine turboshaft engine being developed by TEI as part of the company's Turboshaft Engine Development Project, which was launched in 2017. The engine is intended to power Turkish Aerospace Industries' (TAI's) T625 Gökbey twin-engine utility helicopter.

The engine completed its first flight powering a flight-test Gökbey helicopter in April 2023. According to the company official, the certification of the engine is under way and is scheduled to be completed by 2026. The company has so far built four engines as part of its development programme.

The TS1400 features a two-stage radial compressor, a reverse-flow combustion chamber, a two-stage axial high pressure turbine, and a single-stage power turbine. It is capable of delivering a take-off power of 1,400 shp and up to 1,600 shp in one-engine-inoperative (OEI) condition. The engine is equipped with the Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC) including an integrated engine health monitoring system. It can operate at a service ceiling of 20,000 ft.

TEI aims to produce 250 engines over the course of its production cycle at a rate of 30 engines per year.


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