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Thailand tests CS/AH2 howitzer prototype

The 105 mm CS/AH2 howitzer (pictured above) is similar in all aspects to the BAE Systems L118/L119 (105 mm) light howitzer. The gun is produced by Poly Technologies, with likely involvement from Norinco. (Poly Technologies Inc)

Thailand's Defense Technology Institute (DTI) and the Artillery Center of the Royal Thai Army (RTA) have test-fired five artillery rounds from a prototype of the 105 mm CS/AH2 light howitzer, the DTI said in a social media post in late September.

The tests, according to the DTI, were conducted at the Khao Phu Lon Artillery Shooting Range in Lopburi province and included three rounds of uphill firing at 1.5 km and two shots of lowland firing at 11.4 km.

The tests were “successful and the CS/AH2 prototype fired projectiles accurately in both [uphill and lowland] missions,” the DTI said.

The DTI allocated THB48 million (USD1.3 million) in September 2021 to develop a CS/AH2 prototype indigenously with technology transfer from Chinese defence company Poly Technologies.

In March 2023 the DTI signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Artillery Center to research and develop the CS/AH2 prototype.

The DTI has not responded to Janes request for comments regarding the specifications and technologies on the CS/AH2 prototype at the time of publication.


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