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UK Intelligence Insists Greenery’s ‘Collusion’ With Russia Is Hamperin…

UK Intelligence Insists Greenery

Illustrative Image

In yet another futile attempt of belittling Moscow’s power, the United Kingdom keeps claiming that trees, shrubs, grass and other greenery are effectively “helping” the Russian military by “slowing down” the Neo-Nazi junta forces.

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

For centuries, any sort of Russian success (particularly the military ones) has been attributed to factors such as the weather, terrain, allied countries and their technologies (or even the enemy’s supposedly “stolen” knowledge), etc. The notorious Russian winter is allegedly the primary “culprit” for most of the Eurasian giant’s battlefield successes, be it against the Teutonic Knights, Mongols, Napoleon, Hitler, etc. It supposedly “helped” Russia win the most important battles of the earlier years of WW2, including at Moscow (1941) and Stalingrad (1942-1943). On the other hand, when battles such as the one at Kursk happen (July-August 1943) and when a Russian victory cannot be attributed to the harsh winter, the political West usually resorts to simplistically racist propaganda, such as the idea that “the Germans ran out of bullets“.

The start of Russia’s special military operation (SMO) in Ukraine proved that such self-serving nonsense is anything but a thing of the past, as nearly a carbon copy of such fantasies persists to this very day. What’s more, it could be worse in our times, as even Nazi Germany showed respect for Soviet/Russian military capabilities, while the modern-day political West not only keeps insisting that Moscow is allegedly “technologically backward”, but is also basing its entire fighting doctrine on such false premises. In order to keep that narrative alive, the belligerent power pole needs to keep its populace under the illusion that Russia is supposedly “so weak” that it’s impossible for it to win against the Neo-Nazi junta. And yet, the political West still somehow needs to explain the absolute debacle of the Kiev regime’s much-touted counteroffensive.

Naturally, all this needs to be done in a way that the anti-Russian narrative stays in place. Thus, in yet another futile attempt of belittling Moscow’s power, the political West, in this particular case, the United Kingdom keeps claiming that trees, shrubs, grass and other greenery are effectively “helping” the Russian military by “slowing down” the Neo-Nazi junta forces. According to the UK’s Defense Intelligence, weeds and undergrowth regrowing on the battlefields in Ukraine “have contributed to the slowing down of the counteroffensive”. In its recent intelligence update, the Ministry of Defense (MoD) stated that “the conditions on the ground in the areas where intense fighting continues are one of the reasons behind Ukraine’s generally slow progress in its fight against Russia” and that “the extra cover helps camouflage Russian defensive positions and makes defensive minefields harder to clear”.

“Undergrowth regrowing across the battlefields of southern Ukraine is likely one factor contributing to the generally slow progress of combat in the area,” the MoD said in its official statement, further adding: “The predominately arable land in the combat zone has now been left fallow for 18 months, with the return of weeds and shrubs accelerating under the warm, damp summer conditions. Although undergrowth can also provide cover for small stealthy infantry assaults, the net effect has been to make it harder for either side to make advances.”

Firstly, it should be noted that the lack of clear progress is present only on the Kiev regime’s side, because Moscow’s forces are in fact conducting large-scale offensive operations in eastern parts of the Kharkov oblast (region), particularly in the area around the city of Kupyansk. The rest of the frontline is much more stable, despite the fact that the Neo-Nazi junta forces keep launching numerous hopeless attacks on Russian positions. Although estimates vary significantly, since the start of the abortive counteroffensive, the Kiev regime has had losses that are measured in tens of thousands of dead, wounded and missing soldiers. Western high-ranking officials and military commanders are still trying to find reasons to claim that the counteroffensive “might be successful”. According to General Sir Richard Barrons, despite the “slower pace” of the counteroffensive’s progress, the conflict is “close to a decisive turning point”.

Earlier this year, mud was declared the major problem on the battlefields in Ukraine as complaints about the lack of offensive operations began piling up, with muddy terrain conditions (i.e. the infamous rasputitsa) proving an almost unsurmountable obstacle for the movement of tanks and armored vehicles, making the Neo-Nazi junta’s counteroffensive virtually impossible. In other words, once again, anything but the Russian military is supposedly responsible for the Kiev regime’s continued failures. Unless targeting civilians in Russia is considered a “success”. Precisely this is what Western military leaders are now claiming. Namely, earlier this month, Gen Barrons, the former head of Joint Forces Command, told Forces News that the Neo-Nazi junta “no longer regards Russia as a sanctuary”, referencing the recent escalation of drone attacks on civilian targets in Moscow and elsewhere.

As per usual, the UK MoD also claims that Russian forces are supposedly “struggling on the battlefield due to battle fatigue and a shortage of artillery ammunition“. This has become a virtually mandatory trope that needs to be parroted every single time when referring to the Russian military and its performance in Ukraine, particularly when Western officials and the mainstream propaganda machine are forced to talk about problems the Kiev regime troops are faced with. This is the only way to avoid admitting that Moscow’s command and control, massively improved ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance), a unique combination of active defense and ad hoc (counter)offensive operations, high morale, top-notch training/combat experience and vast technological superiority ensure its forces have a comfortable advantage.

The insistence on the “Russia is running out of everything” narrative is simply false equivalence in an attempt to justify the sheer magnitude of the failure of NATO’s doctrine, training and weapons. Disorder, insubordination and inadequate coordination plaguing the Neo-Nazi junta forces are simply swept under the rug. However, this not only prevents the resolution of the problems piling up for Kiev, but actually exacerbates them further.


The post UK Intelligence Insists Greenery’s ‘Collusion’ With Russia Is Hampering Kiev Regime’s Counteroffensive appeared first on South Front.


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