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Secret Of Stability Of Royal Court Of Jordan Revealed

Secret Of Stability Of Royal Court Of Jordan Revealed

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Written by Damir Nazarov

At the end of May 2023, the Hezbollah Brigade revealed details of the stability of the Hashemite monarchy. It turns out that all this time Iraq has provided various assistance to the autocracy of Abdullah II, including financial. The author of the text of the statement of the Iraqi Hezbollah pointed out that if not for such support, the regime would have been overthrown by a “popular uprising”.

Analyzing this statement, it is important to understand that the phrase “various assistance” largely refers to the supply of oil from Iraq to Jordan. It is no secret that the Maliki government also promoted economic relations with the Hashemite autocracy in every possible way, but oil supplies were steadily flowing, including from the Gulf regimes to Amman. Do not forget that the tyranny of Abdullah II is among the most corrupt regimes on the planet. In this case, can we say that the Shiites of Iraq contributed to this very corruption of the Jordanian autocracy? Sure. Moreover, the fact that the Hezbollah Brigade pointed out that there were and still are serious prerequisites for a popular uprising, suggests that all these years Baghdad willy-nilly put a hand to ensuring that this very popular uprising did not happen in Jordan. Here we can safely reproach all the factions of the Iraqi resistance for “betrayal” by their ideology, because each faction has a reference to the Islamic worldview system, which includes the fight against occupiers, tyrants and corruption, but we do not see any of this specifically in the direction of Amman.

It turns out that not only Hamas is to blame for the existence of the Hashemite autocracy, but also the Shiites of Iraq. Why are they to blame? Because Jordan is the closest ally of Zionism, and another task of the Abdullah II regime is not to allow Jordan’s Palestinian refugees to organize resistance to the colonialists. Hamas is to blame for not calling for a revolution against Abdullah, and as for the Shiites of Iraq, they simply fed the neighboring autocracy.

Secret Of Stability Of Royal Court Of Jordan Revealed

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In the situation with the Jordanian monarchy, we are already seeing the attitude of Hamas, which still prefers strict adherence to its not quite adequate rule of “non-interference in the affairs of other countries.” Now, using the example of the Hezbollah Brigade, we see a direct violation of their ideology, instead of promoting a popular revolution in a neighboring country, the Iraqi supporters of Velayat al-Faqih simply turned a blind eye to the actions of the Hashemite autocracy and allowed corrupt officials from Baghdad to contribute in every possible way to the criminal regime of Abdullah II. If Hamas can justify itself by saying that it is not a supporter of the export of Islamic ideas in the region (in Palestine, the supporters of the idea of the Islamic Revolution are the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, which so far also does not call on the Palestinians to revolt against the King of Jordan), then Kataeb Hezbollah is just the product of such exports and therefore the Iraqi organization is doubly responsible for their actions.

It would not be an exaggeration to point out that the collapse of Jordan’s autocracy would accelerate the process of the liberation of Palestine, so any encouragement of the existence of the Hashemite monarchy a priori harms the Palestinian cause. Of course, Kataeb Hezbollah is a supporter of the liberation struggle for the liberation of all of Palestine and an uncompromising enemy of Abdullah II, but weak adherence to personal ideological norms has put the organization in a kind of deadlock, which of course can be overcome, but this will require radical political actions that are not possible without an intra-Shiite consensus in Iraq.

Now we see that the so-called “Shiite revolutionaries of Iraq” were simply hypocritical when they said that the key to the stability of the Abdullah II regime is the local military bases of the United States and Britain, as well as the work of the Mossad to preserve autocracy. In fact, it turned out that everything was much simpler, the key to the success of the Hashemite leadership turned out to be the Shiites of Iraq, who were so hungry for oil income that they forgot about their revolutionary moods. Empty talk from the Shiites of Iraq is often observed, but the self-exposure that Kataeb Hezbollah described is clearly something new and deserves even praise. Now we know that there is no monolithic structure among the “pro-Iranian” Shiites, because if some (Hezbollah of Lebanon) do a lot for the liberation of Palestine, then others (Hezbollah of Iraq) manage, roughly speaking, to “promote” the occupation of the holy land by feeding the main ally of Zionism. It’s not a paradox, it’s a shame!

P.S. As for the activities of the vicious Baath party in Jordan, in addition to trying to influence the Sunni regions of Iraq, Amman, playing on the nationalist feelings of a part of the population inside his country, is trying to create a counterweight to the local Ikhwans gaining popularity.


The post Secret Of Stability Of Royal Court Of Jordan Revealed appeared first on South Front.


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