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Pakistan Army inducts Fatah-II rocket launcher

The Fatah-II rocket is initially propelled using a single-stage dual-thrust solid rocket motor, which then disengages and glides to supersonic speeds to engage the target. (Janes)

The Pakistan Army has initiated inducting the Fatah-II multiple rocket launcher (MRL), the Pakistan Armed Forces' Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) agency said on 15 May.

“Fatah-II is being inducted in Pakistan's Artillery Divisions for stand-off [capability] and to engage the targets with precision,” ISPR said.

The rocket system will enhance the “reach and lethality of [the] Pakistan Army's conventional arsenal”, ISPR added.

The Pakistan Army also test-fired Fatah-II on 15 May. The test was “aimed at perfecting the launch drills and procedures”, according to ISPR.

Fatah-II – with a maximum strike range of 400 km – is equipped with a “navigation system, unique trajectory, and manoeuvrable features, which make the launcher capable of engaging targets with high precision and defeating any missile defence system”, ISPR said.

The MRL is developed by Pakistan's state-owned Global Industrial & Defence Solutions (GIDS) as an extended-range variant of the Fatah-I MRL.

According to GIDS, the development of the MRL was initiated in early 2021, and Pakistan test-fired Fatah-II for the first time in late December 2023.

Fatah-II features an inertial navigation system (INS) and global navigation satellite services (GNSS); auto-aiming capability; and a levelling, positioning, and orientation system.

The circular error probability (CEP) of Fatah-II is ≤50 m, GIDS said. The Fatah-II missile has a length of 7.5 m, and it can carry a 365 kg warhead.

For more information, please seeFiring up: Pakistan develops Fatah-II rocket launcher .


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