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Does NATO Want Japanese-Style Internment Camps For Russians?

Does NATO Want Japanese-Style Internment Camps For Russians?

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Many in the political West nowadays have a tendency of saying that they’ve “fought the wrong enemy (during WWII)”, which is very telling of just how effective Russophobic propaganda has been in brainwashing millions into mindless hatred, one that has already led the world into catastrophe some 80 years ago.

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

Just when we thought Russophobia has been fanned up to absurd levels with things such as banning Russian trees and cats from “international” competitions and that it couldn’t possibly get worse, Czech President Petr Pavel took it up a notch or two (or a hundred in this case). Namely, on June 15, Pavel, who is a retired general and has served as the Chairman of NATO Military Committee (2015-2018) stated that he supports the practice of “monitoring” Russians currently living in Western countries. Now, as if the idea of “monitoring” someone based on their ethnicity wasn’t disturbing enough, it seems that Pavel’s idea of implementing this is far more sinister, as he would actually do it in a way similar to what happened to most Japanese people living in the United States during the Second World War.

“All Russians living in Western countries should be monitored much more than in the past because they are citizens of a nation that leads an aggressive war,” Pavel stated in an interview with the CIA-funded (and founded) Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL).

For readers unaware of how Japanese people living in the US were treated during WWII, it should be noted that this “monitoring” was conducted in internment camps, facilities that are not much better or are perhaps slightly “morally superior” to concentration camps, at best. In what can only be described as a completely unhinged commentary, Pavel actually directly referred to the example of Japanese civilians in the US being “monitored” (once again, by being placed in actual internment camps during WWII!) as an “inspiration” for what should happen to civilians of Russian ethnicity (many of whom weren’t even born in Russia and formally aren’t even its citizens). In his “defense”, Pavel stated that he “can be sorry for these people” (peculiar choice of words) and justified this idea by saying it’s “the cost of war”.

“I can be sorry for these people, but at the same time when we look back, when the Second World War started, all the Japanese population living in the United States were under a strict monitoring regime as well,” he said, adding: “That’s simply the cost of war.”

In the aftermath of the Imperial Japanese Navy’s attack on the US Navy’s Pacific Fleet anchored in Pearl Harbor, Washington DC had approximately 120,000 of its own citizens of Japanese descent sent to prison camps, with close to 50% of them being children under 15. Several US presidents expressed “regret” since then. During the 1980s, US President Ronald Reagan even issued a formal apology for these crimes. Even the troubled Biden administration did something similar, when, back in February, President Joe Biden himself dubbed it “one of the most shameful periods in American history”. However, how is one to believe that the leaders of the political West have any sort of regret for their war crimes if they would actually do it all over again?

For well over a year, Russian diplomats, athletes, entrepreneurs, companies, as well as millions of regular people have been subjected to an unrelenting witch-hunt that is completely unparalleled by anything in recent decades. This has resulted in everything from Russians being banned from most sporting competitions to the censoring and even banning of Russia’s world-class culture, including the suppression of 19th and 20th-century Russian authors, composers, poets, philosophers, etc, to outright attacks on Russian-owned tea rooms and restaurants. Apparently, reading Dostoevsky, Tolstoy or Chekhov and listening to Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov or Shostakovich is “tantamount to Russian aggression”. And God forbid anyone should drink that “Novichok-filled” Russian tea.

However, in all seriousness, regardless of how ridicule-worthy or straight-up laughable such behavior towards an entire nation might be, actual policies currently being implemented against Russian people are certainly no laughing matter. Such tendencies have led to disastrous consequences and mass war crimes and genocides. Worse yet, this wouldn’t be the first time it has happened to Russians themselves, a nation that has suffered tens of millions of casualties in its monumental struggle against Nazism during WWII. Unfortunately, many in the political West nowadays have a tendency of saying that they’ve “fought the wrong enemy (during WWII)“, which is very telling of just how effective Russophobic propaganda has been in brainwashing millions into mindless hatred, one that has already led the world into catastrophe some 80 years ago.

And before anyone jumps to the conclusion that this might be an exaggeration, we should just ask ourselves – If things that Petr Pavel stated are what NATO’s top officials and presidents of its member states are saying openly and unashamedly, can we even imagine what sort of plans for Russia and its people are being drawn up behind closed doors? Now, if regular people can see all this, the Russian leadership (particularly its intelligence and military apparatus) surely knows much more.

Thus, they act accordingly, meaning that Russia truly needs the types of actual superweapons it has been fielding for well over 70 years. The Eurasian giant will certainly not allow anyone to kill and enslave tens of millions of its people, carve up the country and steal its vast resources. Whoever tries that will have its parking space issues resolved in mere minutes, permanently and “slightly” radioactively.


The post Does NATO Want Japanese-Style Internment Camps For Russians? appeared first on South Front.


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