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UK seeks new partner to maintain RAF Fylingdales radar

The MoD is looking for a new partner to support the SSPAR at RAF Fylingdales, which has been operational since the early 1990s. (Crown copyright)

The UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) is looking for a new partner to support the operation and maintenance of the Solid-State Phased-Array Radar (SSPAR) at Royal Air Force (RAF) Fylingdales.

RAF Fylingdales provides a continuous ballistic missile early warning service to the UK and the US. It also functions as a space surveillance and tracking (SST) system, capable of detecting objects the size of a can 3,000 miles into space.

The SSPAR building and a significant number of the ancillary systems were built or installed over 35 years ago. A new partner is therefore required to operate, maintain, and possibly sustain the radar going forwards as the current support contract is coming to an end, a request for information (RFI) issued by the MoD on 6 May detailed.

The MoD is therefore inviting industry via an RFI to offer feedback on the implications of running a future competitive procurement based on three different options. Option one involves the partner providing operation and maintenance (O&M) services only. Option two expands on this with the partner offering a partially managed service that includes operation, maintenance, and sustainment (OM&S). Finally, option three provides a fully managed OM&S solution, where the provider ensures all assets are maintained throughout their economic life.

The deadline for responding to the RFI is 31 May. An invitation to tender is projected between January and March 2025 and a contract award between July and August 2025, although these dates are subject to change.


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