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UK seeks Next Generation Red Air pilot training

With interim Red Air pilot training for the UK now being provided by Draken Europe L-159E Honey Badger aircraft (pictured), the MoD is considering its next-generation requirements under the NGRA requirement. (Draken Europe)

The UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) is seeking commercial contractors to deliver Next Generation Red Air (NGRA) pilot training for the Royal Air Force (RAF).

A tender posted by the ministry in mid-March said the effort is part of a wider modernisation of the UK's air training infrastructure taking place under Portfolio Mustang, and “is paramount to building and/or keeping maximum combat effectiveness in the air domain”.

“NGRA has an outline objective to provide red air (RA) services to the RAF for a period of up to 15 years from circa 2028,” the MoD said, noting that this represents Project 1 of Portfolio Mustang.

With NGRA being led by Air Commercial on behalf of the MoD, the division and the RAF are now looking to engage with industry to establish the full range of capabilities in the RA market, including RA aircraft up to 5+ and/or 6+ Generation (this may include the design and build of new aircraft, and/or the use of contractor owned and operated [COCO] aircraft).


L자형 북엔드(대)/MB-103/검정/2개입/책고정/책거치대
IS 불스원 물왁스
이케아 MALA 몰라 롤 도화지 45cm x 30M
이케아 PARLBAND 펠반드 미니양초홀더