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Singapore Airshow 2024: ST Engineering unveils Terrex s5

A display of the Terrex s5, which was unveiled at the Singapore Airshow 2024. (Janes/Ridzwan Rahmat)

Singapore defence prime ST Engineering has launched the latest iteration in its Terrex 8×8 line of infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs).

Known as the Terrex s5, the variant was launched on 18 February, ahead of the Singapore Airshow 2024 exhibition taking place from 20 to 25 February at the Changi Exhibition Centre.

“Equipped with advanced vetronics and a hybrid electric drive option, it is a production-ready, 8×8 armoured fighting vehicle”, utilising the portmanteau of vehicle and electronics, a statement issued by ST Engineering reads.

“Its modular design and ability to transverse various terrains allows the vehicle to be highly configurable to a wide range of mission roles,” the company added.

Similar to its predecessor the Terrex 3, the Terrex s5 has a gross vehicle weight of 35,000 kg. However, it can carry a slightly heavier payload of 13,000 kg compared with the 12,000 kg payload of the Terrex 3 and it can accommodate a crew of two plus 10 troopers.

Powered by 711 hp turbo diesel engines, the Terrex s5 has a maximum speed of 120 km/h and an onroad range of about 1,000 km. With a hybrid power option, the vehicle can achieve a silent range of 50 km for last-mile stealth operations when driven in electric mode.

In addition, the Terrex s5 differentiates itself from its predecessors with the greater utilisation of smart mission systems, such as automatic target detection and tracking capabilities and the ability to carry out manned-unmanned teaming (MUM-T) operations with unmanned aerial and ground vehicles.


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