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France touts new modular trainer aircraft with Spain, UK

With France having an approaching requirement to replace its Alpha Jets, the country has touted the possibility of a joint modular solution with Spain and the UK. (Janes/Patrick Allen)

France has raised the possibility of developing or acquiring a new modular advanced jet trainer aircraft with Spain and the United Kingdom.

Responding to a question in the National Assembly on 16 April, Minister of the Armed Forces Sébastien Lecornu said that, with France's Dassault/Dornier Alpha Jets nearing the end of their service lives, the country is considering a replacement tied to the future training requirements of its two European neighbours.

“Beyond 2032 … all solutions are conceivable and being studied, particularly with the United Kingdom and Spain,” the minister said, adding, “These solutions consist of developing or acquiring a modular aircraft that meets the needs of both [the Patrouille de France national aerobatic display team] and ‘Red Air', but also [other] aircraft, in the light of the [training requirement for the Future Combat Air System (FCAS)/Système de Combat Aérien du Futur (SCAF)] and its manned [aircraft component], the NGF [New Generation Fighter].”

Lecornu provided no details as to the status of this proposed joint trainer requirement, nor details relating to its anticipated budget, industrial construct, development timeline, or numbers.

Janes World Air Forces lists the French Air and Space Force (Armee de l'Air et de l'Espace: AAE) as fielding 153 Alpha Jets, the first of which entered service in 1979.

For more information on the AAE and its training requirements, please seeFrance – Air Force .

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