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Hadean, 4C Strategies integrate products to reduce training burden

A screenshot of the Hadean POLI constructive simulation displayed through the 4C Strategies Exonaut training management software. (Hadean)

Hadean and 4C Strategies have successfully integrated a constructive simulation with Exonaut exercise management software, utilising Hadean's spatial computing platform.

The integrated solution, displayed at the International Training Technology Exhibition & Conference (IT²EC) 2024 in London, enabled Hadean's Pattern of Life Indicator (POLI) constructive simulation to be controlled from within 4C Strategies Exonaut software.

Exonaut is widely used in the UK and NATO as an exercise management tool, while constructive simulation is fundamental to effective command and staff training. Integrating the two previously separate functions offers the potential to improve training.

Explaining the integration, Paul Steel, UK military sales director for 4C Strategies, told Janes that incidents and injects from an exercise main events list (MEL) held in Exonaut could now be triggered in a constructive simulation directly from the software. As a result, a much broader sphere of exercise activity can be controlled by a single person. This will allow better management of exercises as well as a reduction in the number of personnel required for exercise control, Andrew Naismith, Hadean managing director UK, defence and enterprise, told Janes .

Although this is a Hadean/4C Strategies private venture, Steel said there had been several informal discussions with customers on the importance of reducing the burden on training staff and how this particular solution could be helpful in this regard.

The integration, Steel emphasised, is simulation-agnostic, with POLI being used to demonstrate the concept. “You could have three or four different simulations linked by the platform,” he said, “which could then be visualised in Exonaut to show the effect of exercise injects on each of them”.

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