세계 / Global

Portugal issues tender for support ships

NRP Bérrio, which was decommissioned in 2020, will be replaced by two replenishment and logistics ships as part of the Portuguese Navy's national fleet renewal programme. (Victor Barreira)

The Portuguese Navy is acquiring two fleet replenishment and logistics ships as part of its national fleet renewal programme, the service has confirmed to Janes .

Competitors interested in meeting the tender have until 27 April to deliver their proposals.

A EUR100 million (USD106.4 million) budget for acquiring the two support ships was included in the Military Programming Law 2023–34, approved by the Portuguese authorities in July 2023.

An international tender by the Directorate of Ships for the construction of the ships was issued on 28 March for publication in the Official Gazette of Portugal and the Official Journal of the European Union.

The acquisition of the two ships will be ordered separately, the navy said. The construction of the first ship is scheduled to start in the second half of 2024, followed by the second in the first half of 2026, the navy added.

The Portuguese Navy is planning to commission the first ship into service in 2026 and the second in the first half of 2028.

The ship designated the NRE+ (Navio Reabastecedor de Esquadra e Logístico) will deliver logistics and amphibious transport support to Portuguese and allied naval forces.

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