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Steller Systems reveals trials of offshore insertion craft scaled demo…

A screenshot showing the scaled demonstrator beached during testing. (Steller Systems)

UK ship design house Steller Systems has performed sea trials of a subscale concept demonstrator intended to prove a novel hullform that could be exploited as the basis for a future high-speed offshore insertion craft.

Funded by the UK Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) through the Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) Novel Amphibious Craft competition, the demonstrator has “successfully proven the innovative features” of a full-scale craft designed to improve the performance and safety of beach landings, Steller Systems announced on 2 April. As well as revealing details of the trials, the company also released accompanying video footage.

Launched in January 2023 the DASA Novel Amphibious Craft competition has set out to demonstrate and de-risk a series of candidate concepts and innovative technologies potentially applicable to a future Commando Insertion Craft (CIC) planned to enter service later this decade. The CIC has been conceived as a new-generation medium-lift amphibious craft to replace the Royal Marines' current Landing Craft Vehicle Personnel Mk 5 landing craft.

Under the DASA Novel Amphibious Craft programme, Steller Systems in April 2023 received a 12-month Dstl contract valued at GBP400,000 (USD502,424) for the build and test of a 6 m demonstrator scaled so as to be representative of a larger 19 m offshore insertion craft design capable of delivering personnel and equipment over large distances with minimum fatigue. Construction of the demonstrator was undertaken during mid-2023 in conjunction with an industry team that also included Golden Arrow Marine, SR Structures, GSD Technologies, and EMS Engineered Marine Systems.

레이스 사각 똥배 옆구리 보정 거들 힙업
20대가방 반달모양 미니핸드백 여성가방 크로스백
남성용 볼캡 골프캡 골프모자 겨울모자 방한모자
FC63 위빙 양가죽 슬림 지퍼 장지갑 여성 베이직 지갑
재생토너 삼성 SL M2023W 대용량 검정~
갤럭시노트10+ 체인지블루라이트차단필름(5매) N976
샤오미 사이드브러쉬 로봇청소기 부품 1EA
3M 초미세먼지 활성탄 에어컨필터 6205 HG YF DM K5
이케아 LILLANGEN릴롱엔 문걸이행거 스테인리스 2개입
IS 진스 아트 도자기 인테리어 화병(21cm)
나무친구 580 벽선반 다용도 수납장 인테리어 진열대
해바라기 벽걸이 시계 화이트 가벼운 무소음 벽시계
호접란 7k-111
CENOVIS 트리플러스 1150mg x 100캡슐
해피니 담요 밍크 극세사 담요 로이 퀸 Q (150x200cm) (그레이)
베트남 동지갑 간단 여행 지폐 통장 정리 여권

3M 4421 다용도 양면테이프 사각 10x35mm 20개입
3M 810 매직테이프 50mm x 65M
