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First In Russian Modern History Luna-25 Autonomous Lunar Station Headi…

First In Russian Modern History Luna-25 Autonomous Lunar Station Heading To The Moon

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On August 11, at 2:11 a.m., Russian Soyuz-2.1b carrier rocket with the Luna-25 lunar station was successfully launched from the Vostochny cosmodrome in the Amur region. This is a historical moment for Russia, since this is the first Russian expedition to the Moon in 47 years.

The Luna-25 station will have to collect and analyze the soil, as well as conduct long-term studies, including the study of the lunar exosphere. While, the previous Soviet lunar vehicles landed only in the equatorial zone of the Moon, Luna-25 is planned to make a soft landing near the South Pole with a difficult terrain. The spacecraft is expected to land on the Moon’s surface on August 21-25 in the area north of the Boguslavsky crater.

“It is especially important that this is a new page in the exploration of the Moon, the practical exploration of the Moon. We will carry out this work together with our Chinese colleagues – this is the start of the first phase of the long-term lunar program,” the head of Roscosmos Yuri Borisov claimed. He also said that in the future, the Moon will be a launch pad for deep space exploration.



Its flight to the Moon will take place in several stages, Roscosmos said.

  • The first is putting the station on the required flight path.
  • The second stage is the flight to the Moon. Luna-25 will turn to the Sun with its solar panels to replenish energy reserves.
  • At the final stage of the flight, Luna-25 will enter the satellite orbit and fly around the Moon at an altitude of 100 kilometers.

The soft lunar landing should be a key stage of the entire mission. In the case of success, Luna-25 will deploy its antennas towards the Earth and get to work.

The expedition will last one year.

Earlier, a leading researcher at the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences called the search for water on the Moon a super task of the mission. In addition, the station will analyze the composition of the soil and perform a number of unique studies.

The last Soviet spacecraft, Luna—24, was sent to the Earth’s satellite in 1976. Its main task was to collect samples of lunar soil, 170 g of which were successfully delivered to the Earth. After studying the samples, scientists have suggested that the lunar soil may contain water in a concentration of 0.1% by weight.

The launch of Luna-25 is a symbolic event for the modern Russia, which marks a new stage of Russian space explorations and is an important signal of Russian might for Moscow’s competitors on the Earth. However, the amateurs of Kiev’s propaganda should believe that the modern lunar station was made of washing machines and microwaves that Russian servicemen stole in Ukraine.


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