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Russian Missiles Destroyed Ukrainian Military Headquarters In Hotel In…

Russian Missiles Destroyed Ukrainian Military Headquarters In Hotel In Pokrovsk, Kiev Lies Attack Hit Civilians

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On the evening of August 7, Russian forces launched new wave of missile strikes on the Ukrainian military throughout the country. One of precision strikes hit the hotel used by the Ukrainian military command and foreign mercenaries in the city of Pokrovsk (former Krasnoarmeisk) which is located in a part of the Donetsk People’s Republic controlled by Ukrainian forces. Explosions were also reported in Kiev, Kharkiv and Kherson. The attack continues, more strikes are likely to be reported soon.

As a result of the missile strike in the city of Pokrovsk, the Druzhba Hotel and the restaurant Karleone located in the same building were destroyed. The local sources confirm that the headquarters of the Ukrainian military command was located in the hotel, while foreign mercenaries were often gathering in the restaurant.

According to the local reports, two missiles struck the building. The second missile strike reportedly took place after Ukrainian security forces arrived to the spot. These reports confirm the high accuracy of the Russian strikes.

The city of Pokrovsk is located near the frontlines where heavy battles are ongoing. It is unlikely that a lot of brave civilian tourists stayed there during the attack.

Next to the hotel there are railway tracks which are also used for transfer of military supplies to the frontlines.There are also warehouses and enterprises that are likely used for storage and repair of Ukrainian military equipment.



Local authorities and Zelensky have already confirmed the strike on the city. According to the official data by the Interior Ministry, at least 5 people were killed, including the deputy head of the main Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine in Donetsk region. At least 31 others were reportedly wounded, including 19 policemen. The death toll confirms that there were Ukrainian security forces, not civilians gathering in the restaurant.

However, the MSM and Ukrainian President are carefully hiding the truth. Zelensky claimed that the target was a civilian house.

“Two missile strikes. An ordinary residential building was hit. Unfortunately, there are victims. Russia will be responsible for everything it has done in this terrible war,” Zelensky wrote in his social networks.

Russian Missiles Destroyed Ukrainian Military Headquarters In Hotel In Pokrovsk, Kiev Lies Attack Hit Civilians

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Ukrainian media widely shared the photos of a residential building that was reportedly damaged by the strikes. Indeed, the civilian building was heavily damaged. However, judging by the footage, it was likely hit by an intercepted Russian missile. It would be ruined if it was the target for Russian missiles. The upper floors of the building were destroyed most likely by an intercepted Russian missile which hit them on a tangent. At the same time, the fall of Ukrainian air defence missile right on the building should not be excluded.

Despite Kiev’s attempts to blame Russia for the strikes on civilians, the Ukrainian military cause more damage to the Ukrainian people. Ukrainian air defence forces are deployed in the cities close to the civilian residential buildings. As a result, they can only intercept their targets on the final stage. A lot of obsolete systems are in service with Ukrainian air defence forces. As a result, they fell on the civilians more often that they intercept Russian missiles.

There are likely some advanced foreign air defence systems deployed in Pokrovsk because the city is located near the frontlines and there are a lot of Ukrainian servicemen, foreign mercenaries and military equipment. However, the advanced foreign systems, including the Patriot ADS supplied by the US, are also often failing. LINK

In their turn, the Russian military is unlikely to waste its missiles for attacks on the residential buildings.

This is not the first precision strike on the Ukrainian military commanders and foreign mercenaries hiding in civilian cafes. On June 27, Russian missiles struck a pizzeria in the city of Kramatorsk, where Ukrainian officers were meeting with foreign mercenaries who lived in the hotel located in the same building. LINK




The post Russian Missiles Destroyed Ukrainian Military Headquarters In Hotel In Pokrovsk, Kiev Lies Attack Hit Civilians appeared first on South Front.

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