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New helicopters flyby in Benin's military parade

A still from television footage shows one of Benin's three new Super Puma helicopters in Jordanian camouflage. (Radiodiffusion et Télévision du Bénin (ORTB) )

The parade to mark Benin's 63rd anniversary of its independence confirmed that its air force is now operating Super Puma helicopters.

Television coverage of the event showed what the commentators identified as three H215 and two H125 helicopters flying past.

The national broadcaster ORTB sent a news team to the airbase at Cotonou's international airport, where three Super Pumas were seen in the same camouflage used by the Royal Jordanian Air Force (RJAF). The RJAF reportedly put its fleet of nine surviving AS332 Super Pumas on sale in 2020.

The delivery of the H125Ms to Cotonou was reported in February and the helicopters have subsequently been seen fitted with infrared cameras in media coverage of Operation ‘Mirador', the counter-terrorism mission in the northwest of the country. One was shown being flown by a European pilot to monitor the Pendjari river that forms the border with Burkina Faso.

The Benin Air Force also appears to have acquired at least one Mi-8 transport helicopter and at least one Mi-17 that is painted white.

러블리 골지 니트 여자 티셔츠 스판 데일리 겨울코디
도트리본 머리띠귀마개 겨울 방한 털귀마개
쿨샵 여자 보온 이너웨어 보송 기모 5부속바지
여성 봄 가을 브이넥 기본 단추 긴팔 가디건 그레이
이케아 KRUBBET 크루베트 휴대폰홀더 거치대
잇츠심플범퍼케이스 갤럭시S22울트라 SM-S908N
젠더 D 케이블 시리얼 9F9F 연장 SUB 커넥터 RS232c연장젠더 시리얼연장젠더 시리얼젠더 9핀연장젠더 RS23
갤럭시워치4 5 풀커버 강화유리 일체형 액정보호 하드 케이스 40mm 44mm
이케아 TROMMA 트롬마 인테리어 벽시계
칸막이 강력 고정 투명 아크릴 선반 받침 홀더
이케아 PALYCKE 폴뤼케 걸이식 후크선반
회전의자/사각의자 간이의자 플라스틱의자 보조의자
화산석 화분 직사각 24x18x11cm
팔꿈치 보호대 헬스 테니스 엘보 보호대 DD-12486
어반접이식 쇼핑카트 35Kg UB-FHS35E
대흥 국산 웰빙감자칼 5개

화일류 제본용 인덱스 내지 무지 A4 5분류 10세트
묶음 포스트잇 플래그 분류용 종이 670-5PN x 6EA
