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Ukrainian Forces Entered Klescheevka, South Of Artyomovsk (Video)

Ukrainian Forces Entered Klescheevka, South Of Artyomovsk (Video)

Illustrative Image

The village of Klescheevka located to the south of Artyomovsk (Bakhmut) remains one of the bloodiest battlefields of the war in Ukraine.Heavy battles continue near the village where the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) attempt to gain a stronghold on the dominant heights. 

Ukrainian forces continue constant attacks on Klescheevka from different directions. They recently took control of the military position code-named Hill 197 located on the south-western outskirts.  According to preliminary reports from the front, on July 25, Ukrainian assault group managed to enter the village from the southern outskirts. The advancing Ukrainian units are suffering heavy losses because the Ukrainian military command continues using the tactics of ‘meat assaults’. Drugged unexperienced Ukrainian soldiers are sent first on the Russian military positions. They are used as cannon fodder to discover and suppress Russian firing positions. After they are destroyed, the assault groups of the 3rd Azov brigade enter the battle covered by Ukrainian artillery.

If the Russian military is forced to retreat from Klesheevka, the AFU may approach the southern outskirts of Artyomovsk.

Ukrainian drone filmed ambush on a group of Russian servicemen which launched counterattack near Klescheevka. Russian servicemen fought back but were destroyed by overwhelming Ukrainian forces:



Russian forces destroy the Ukrainian military in the area:






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