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Australian Army troops train on neutralising CBRN threats

The Australian Army sappers guide a Boxer CRV through the decontamination bay during the CBRN defence training at Gallipoli Barracks, Brisbane. (Commonwealth of Australia)

The Australian Army's 7th Brigade has conducted training on neutralising chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) threats.

The army said in a press release on 21 June that a Boxer combat reconnaissance vehicle (CRV) and an HX77 truck towing an M777 howitzer were put through an equipment decontamination medium (EDM) as part of the training held in Brisbane.

The decontamination process removes toxic environmental hazards from the vehicles and is responsible for the sensitive cleaning of the internal components of the vehicle.

This process also “neutralises chemical, biological, and radiological hazards after a vehicle and its crew have been in a CBRN environment”, the army said.

The army added it was the first time the EDM capability was tested with heavy vehicles and machinery within a combat brigade.

Captain Callum Griffiths from Australian Defence Force's (ADF's) Joint Defensive CBRN Program said, “Testing this concept with platforms like the Boxer CRV is a significant milestone for defence projects like Land 2110-1B and Land 400-2.”

According to the Australian Department of Defence (DoD), Project Land 2110-1B will provide a CBRN defence capability to enhance the protection of ADF personnel against exposure to CBRN substances and toxic industrial materials in the land, maritime, and air domains.

The DoD approved the acquisition of 211 Boxer CRVs in March 2018 under Project Land 400-2.

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