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Kyiv Launched UK-Supplied Missiles At Flood Shelter In Southern Kherso…

Kyiv Launched UK-Supplied Missiles At Flood Shelter In Southern Kherson

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Kyiv’s forces have hit several temporary shelters for people evacuated from flood caused by the breach of the Kakhovka dam, the acting governor of Kherson Region Vladimir Saldo said on June 10.

The strike on the shelter took place around 5am local time. British Storm Shadow missiles were used according to Saldo. There was at least one casualty in the attack.

The Black Sea village of Zhelezny Port also came under shelling overnight, with a local hotel hosting the evacuees destroyed.

“The targeted strikes are being carried out with British missiles, delivered to the Kyiv regime to unleash ‘peace’ on civilian infrastructure,” Saldo wrote.

Earlier on June 9, one civilian was killed and another injured after several Kyiv-launched missiles hit a children’s summer camp in the same area. According to Saldo, the debris of Storm Shadows were also found at the scene.

The Russian-controlled Kakhovka dam in Kherson Region was destroyed by strikes of the Kyiv regime earlier this week. Several people were killed and thousands more were exposed to flooding.

Kyiv Launched UK-Supplied Missiles At Flood Shelter In Southern Kherson

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Meanwhile, two ballistic missiles were shot down by air defenses over Russia’s Crimea, according to the head of the region. Sergey Aksyonov said the missiles were allegedly the Ukrainian-made Grom-2 system.

The official said that there were no casualties or destruction in the attack.


The post Kyiv Launched UK-Supplied Missiles At Flood Shelter In Southern Kherson appeared first on South Front.

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