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UAS Heavy Lift Challenge reopens to new suppliers

Malloy Aeronautics T-600 heavy-lift quadcopter has been demonstrated as part of the UK UASHLC challenge. (Crown Copyright)

The UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) has reopened the Uncrewed Air Systems Heavy Lift Capability (UASHLC) framework to new suppliers, the authority announced on 12 May.

With a GBP95 million (USD118 million) financial headroom, the UASHLC framework is intended to accelerate the development of a range of autonomous heavy-lift unmanned aircraft system (UAS), inform maritime operating concepts, and evaluate the applicability of UAS for beyond-visual-line-of-sight (BVLOS) heavy payload delivery and broader system capabilities.

The framework is open not only to platform providers, but also to any supplier that can offer capabilities which support the heavy-lift UAS market. These include, but are not limited to, payloads, fuels, software, and counter-UAS (C-UAS) solutions (ground or platform based), the announcement added.

An MoD spokesperson informed Janes that the five-year framework, set up in 2022, is an enduring commercial model that has been reopened “to grow the number of the ‘community' (currently around 50 companies) under the formal commercial arrangement”.

There are various “sprints” within the framework, with up to five planned, the announcement said. The spokesperson said these “sprints” or “periods of activity” have so far comprised the inter- and intra-theatre lift challenges held in 2022. The next set of sprints are yet to be determined, they added.

The closing date for companies to submit proposals is 23 June.

Under the UASHLC challenge, the T-600 heavy-lift quadcopter and the Ultra fixed-wing UAS were tested to demonstrate their heavy-lift capabilities. The T-600 proved capable of carrying a 250 kg payload, while the Ultra system managed to cover a 1,000 km distance with a 100 kg load.

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여성 봄 가을 브이넥 기본 단추 긴팔 가디건 그레이
이케아 KRUBBET 크루베트 휴대폰홀더 거치대
잇츠심플범퍼케이스 갤럭시S22울트라 SM-S908N
젠더 D 케이블 시리얼 9F9F 연장 SUB 커넥터 RS232c연장젠더 시리얼연장젠더 시리얼젠더 9핀연장젠더 RS23
갤럭시워치4 5 풀커버 강화유리 일체형 액정보호 하드 케이스 40mm 44mm
이케아 TROMMA 트롬마 인테리어 벽시계
칸막이 강력 고정 투명 아크릴 선반 받침 홀더
이케아 PALYCKE 폴뤼케 걸이식 후크선반
회전의자/사각의자 간이의자 플라스틱의자 보조의자
화산석 화분 직사각 24x18x11cm
팔꿈치 보호대 헬스 테니스 엘보 보호대 DD-12486
어반접이식 쇼핑카트 35Kg UB-FHS35E
대흥 국산 웰빙감자칼 5개

화일류 제본용 인덱스 내지 무지 A4 5분류 10세트
묶음 포스트잇 플래그 분류용 종이 670-5PN x 6EA
