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Pentagon budget 2025: Aegis BMD cut slightly in USN request

The Pentagon's FY2025 budget request for Aegis ballistic missile defence would decrease spending compared to FY2024. (US Army)

The Department of Defense is requesting about USD1.3 billion for sea-based Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) in its proposed fiscal year (FY) 2025 budget, compared to about USD1.7 billion requested for FY 2025, according to budget documents released on 11 March.

The FY 2025 request includes 12 interceptors for USD491.4 million, compared to 39 interceptors for USD807.6 million requested in FY 2024.

The FY 2025 request also includes about USD32 million for installation-related procurement and USD784.3 million for research, development, testing and evaluation (RDT&E), compared to USD27.8 million for installation and USD887.2 million for RDT&E in FY 2024.

Aegis Sea-Based Weapon Systems build upon the existing US Navy Aegis Weapons System (AWS) and Standard Missile-3 (SM-3) design. Upgrades are being made to the weapon system and SM-3 designs which expand capability through a series of incremental, evolutionary improvements to counter more sophisticated long-range threats, including cruise missile and hypersonic threats.

The FY 2025 proposed funding procures 12 SM-3 Block IIAs and pivots from and discontinues the SM-3 Block IB procurements in favour of SM-3 Block IIA.

The funding also further integrates the Block IIA missile into the AWS and provides for capability upgrades of the Aegis Baseline 5 (BMD 4.x) and Aegis Baseline 9 (BMD 5.x) Weapon Systems and the development of Aegis BL 10 (BMD 6).

The funding also procures one BMD 5.x hardware shipset and conntinues technology maturation and prototyping support for the AN/SPY-1 radar Digital Receive Upgrades (DRU) to improve sensitivity, tracking performance, and resource utilisation.

재사용 고급 우비 골프 EVA 등산 라이더 비옷 우의
쉬크 인튜이션 여성제모기 레몬베리 브리즈 면도날 3
쿤달 데오드란트 스프레이 베이비파우더향 150ml 2개
남성 봄가을 허리 밴딩 포켓 카고 팬츠 핏예쁜 바지
SCX-4824FNK 삼성 슈퍼재생토너 흑백
삼성 갤럭시탭 10.1 시력보호 필름 2매입
미니경량핸디선풍기 휴대용 무선선풍기 손선풍기
인덕션용 인덕터 인덕션 가열판 20cm
이동식 무볼트 접착식 베어링 회전 가구 바퀴
이케아 GUBBARP 구바르프 손잡이 21mm 화이트 2개입
GB6152 무소음 메탈 스탠드시계 화이트 제조한국
유진 660 BSN 블랙실버 목문 방문손잡이 욕실용
자석 마그네틱 도어스토퍼 문닫힘 방지 무타공 방문
삼정 초극세사 방걸레 대 리필 교체용
페리오 777 칫솔 20개입 대용량 도매
(소비기한임박) 삼립 V6 딸기잼 380g (반품불가)

알파 베이직 젯소 500ml
3M 전자계산기 SJC-830P
