무료음악 / Music

적도 기니 국가 National Anthem of Equatorial Guinea - Caminemos pisando las …

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The national anthem of Equatorial Guinea Lyrics in Spanish: Caminemos pisando la senda De nuestra inmensa felicidad. En fraternidad, sin separaci?n, ¡Cantemos Libertad! Tras dos siglos de estar sometidos Bajo la dominaci?n colonial, En fraterna uni?n, sin discriminar, ¡Cantemos Libertad! Gritemos Viva, Libre Guinea, Y defendamos nuestra Libertad. Cantemos siempre, Libre Guinea, Y conservemos siempre la unidad. Gritemos Viva, Libre Guinea, Y defendamos nuestra Libertad. Cantemos siempre, Libre Guinea, Y conservemos, Y conservemos La independencia nacional. Y conservemos, Y conservemos La independencia nacional. English Translation: Let us walk the path Of our great happiness. In brotherhood, without separation, Freedom Sing! After two centuries of being subjected Under colonial rule, In fraternal union, without discrimination, Freedom Sing! Let us shout live Guinea, Defend our freedom. Sing always free Guinea, And always retain the unit. Let us shout live Guinea, Defend our freedom. Sing always free Guinea, And always preserve national independence And we preserve and conserve National independence. 


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