무료음악 / Music

Jain - Makeba

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Official Video for "The Fool" by Jain - https://JAIN.lnk.to/THEFOOLMERCH “The fool, this tightrope walker who walks towards his future. With each of his steps, there is a risk and then the balance” Jain - Makeba - From "Zanaka", album available : http://smarturl.it/JainZanakaDeluxe --- Directed by Greg et Lio Produced by Spookland Executive producer ART BRIDGE - Quad group --- Subscribe to Jain's channel :    / @jainofficialchannel   COME (video clip) :    • Jain - Come (Offi...   --- Follow Jain on : Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/JAINMUSIC Twitter : https://twitter.com/jainmusic Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/jainmusic/ Official website : http://www.jain-music.com --- LYRICS "Ooohe" Makeba ma qué bella, Can i get a " oohe " Makeba, Makes my body dance for you , (x4) I want to hear your breath just next to my soul, I want to feel oppress without any rest, I want to see you sing, i want to see you fight, Because you are the real beauty of human right , CHORUS Nobody can beat the Mama Africa, You follow the beat that she's going to give you, Only her smile can all make it go, The sufferation of a thousand more, CHORUS x2 

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콜스탬프 자동스탬프 C-0822 원본대조필 (38x13mm)
