무료음악 / Music

비투비 (BTOB) - Outsider

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비투비 (BTOB) - 'Outsider' Official Music Video Composed by 라이언 전, Cameron Warren, Max Cooke, Shaun Smith Lyrics by 이민혁 (HUTA), 프니엘 Arranged by 라이언 전, Cameron Warren 쳇바퀴 돌 듯 반복되는 일상 속에 지쳐가는 우리네 이야기. 하루하루 버텨낸다, 견뎌낸다는 표현에 많은 이들이 공감할 것이다. 이런 세상에서 우린 가끔 ‘Outsider’가 되고 싶다. 흔히 사용되는 ‘Outsider’의 의미가 아닌 매일 똑같은 패턴과 삶에서 벗어나 자유로워지고 싶고, 내가 ‘나’다울 수 있게 강해지고 싶다는 의미를 담았다. This is about the story of our life and how we get tired of repetitive daily life spinning like a wheel. The usage of words like ‘bearing’ and ‘enduring’ establishes empathy from many people. In a world like this, sometimes we just want to be an ‘Outsider’. The term ‘Outsider’ in the song is used to describe the desire to escape from the repetitive pattern of life and set yourself free to be stronger and realize your self-worth. BTOB Official Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/officialbtob BTOB Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BTOBofficial BTOB Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/officialbtob BTOB Official Instagram: https://instagram.com/cube_official_btob BTOB Official Weibo: http://weibo.com/cubebtob BTOB Official Fansite: https://www.united-cube.com ⓒ All Rights Reserved CUBE Entertainment Inc. #비투비 #BTOB #Outsider 

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