무료음악 / Music

토고 국가 - 우리 조상의 땅 National Anthem of Togo - Salut ? toi, pays de nos a…

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The national anthem of Togo Lyrics in French: Salut ? toi pays de nos a?eux, Toi que les rendait forts, Paisibles et joyeux, Cultivant vertu, vaillance, Pour la prosp?rit? Que viennent les tyrans, Ton cœur soupire vers la libert?, Togo debout, luttons sans d?faillance, Vainquons ou mourons, mais dans la dignit?, Grand Dieu, toi seul nous a exalt?s, Du Togo pour la prosp?rit?, Togolais viens, b?tissons la cit?. English Translation: Hail to thee, land of our forefathers' Thou who made them strong, Peaceful and happy, Cultivated virtue and bravery For prosperity. Even if tyrants shall come, Thy heart yearns towards freedom. Togo arise! Let us struggle without faltering. Victory or death, but dignity. God almighty, Thou alone, Hast made Togo prosper. People of Togo arise! Let us build the nation. 

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