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ExaGrid Announces New Data Storage Solution for Acronis Cyber Backup

ExaGrid®, a leading provider of intelligent hyperconverged storage for backup with data deduplication, today announced a new data backup and storage solution with Acronis®. The new solution is designed to help organizations meet the challenges of data growth and management at remote sites. Many organizations have up to hundreds or even thousands of remote and edge locations, or sites, such as sales offices, franchises, retail outlets, etc. These remote sites commonly do not have dedicated IT s...


화일류 제본용 인덱스 내지 무지 A4 5분류 10세트
묶음 포스트잇 플래그 분류용 종이 670-5PN x 6EA
3M 810 매직테이프 50mm x 65M
3M 810 매직테이프 50mm x 65M