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‘California Condor’ Pays Tribute to Departed Bandmates in New Video

Up-and-coming rock band “California Condor” has just released a new music video dedicated to two former bandmates who lost their lives prematurely. Produced to accompany their latest track, “The Band,” the video pays tribute to Ken Loosaar and Johannes Kuslap, who both recently passed away at the ages of 28 and 27 respectively. According to the statement from California Condor, “When California Condor first started out, Ken and Johannes helped the band find its footing. For this, we...


화일류 제본용 인덱스 내지 무지 A4 5분류 10세트
묶음 포스트잇 플래그 분류용 종이 670-5PN x 6EA
3M 810 매직테이프 50mm x 65M
3M 810 매직테이프 50mm x 65M