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ResMed Introduces AirFit N30, World’s First Tube-Down Nasal Cradle CPA…

ResMed (NYSE: RMD) (ASX: RMD) today introduced AirFit N30, the world’s first tube-down nasal cradle CPAP mask with a front-facing tube - a brand-new option for sleep apnea treatment. ResMed’s lightest mask yet, AirFit N30 features an adjustable elastic headgear, plus a nasal cradle cushion that sits under the nasal bridge, eliminating soreness in that area. The mask’s curved cushion is designed to provide a secure seal regardless of how the wearer sleeps or moves. Together, these inn...


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3M 810 매직테이프 50mm x 65M
3M 810 매직테이프 50mm x 65M